UGA Digital Marketing Competition
Welcome to the 11th Annual UGA Digital Marketing Competition. This experience is like no other and can become one of the most meaningful activities of your college career. The competition requires student teams to create a digitally focused integrated marketing campaign. You will need to use your creativity and ability to think strategically and analytically to create a campaign that ensures the client achieves their desired objective.
The Format
The Competition loosely follows the format of The Voice. There are four stages: Kickoff (Blind Audition), Battle Round, Knockout Round, and Final Round.
On The Voice, the winner is really set up for success but the other contestants have a great experience too, learning and building relationships that they can take with them beyond the show.
Blind Audition
Video Introduction
The Blind Auditions kick off the competition. Students will create a short video introducing their team. This does not have to be over-produced. Maybe just a shot of the team in front of a laptop sketching out the big idea and a bit about why your team is well-suited to turn the idea into reality.
The coaches really like to see the following:
- How you plan to structure your team. It would be good to understand skill sets… e.g. will someone creative be on the team? What about someone who can put together a budget? What about a project manager?
- Relevant, non-school related experience. What internships have you had? What roles have you held in organizations on campus?
- Personality. Show/tell something that reflects your unique style/culture.
Coaches will participate in a Draft to select teams.
For inspiration, check out some previous introduction videos here.
Key Date: January 14 Video Due
Kickoff Dinner
The Blind Auditions will conclude with a formal ceremony (Kickoff Dinner) on January 24 beginning at 6pm. During the evening activities, Team/Coach pairings will be revealed. In addition, the client will do a deep dive into the brand and the business problem to be solved.
Key Date: January 24 Kick off Dinner / Coach/Team Pairings Revealed
Battle Rounds
During the battle rounds, the coaches will work with each team to develop their proposal concept, validate ideas and begin to consider execution and measurement. At the end of this round, coaches will select teams to move forward.
Key Date: February 7
Knockout Rounds
The knockout round involves the remaining teams left in the competition. The coaches will work with each team to refine the creative concept, hone the budget and ROI. At the end of this round, the coaches will select a single team showing the most potential to advance to the final round (thus eliminating the other teams).
Key Date: February 28
Client Site Visit & Final Round – Atlanta
The final teams will attend a tour of the client’s agency along with a recruiting visit.
The final round will consist of a live pitch to the client’s executive team in Atlanta. Coaches will work with their team to refine all aspects of their presentation from verbal to audiovisual and leave-behind collateral.
Executives from the client team will judge the presentations and their evaluation will determine the winner.
Key Date: Client Site Visit March 21
Key Date: Final Round: March 28
Winners Trip – Location TBD
The winning team will enjoy an all-expenses-paid trip to a fun city where we will tour companies and enjoy a nice extra Spring Break.
Key Dates: April 11-14